Sunday, August 31, 2008

August beginnings!

August Tidings are here at The Curry Closet. A's moved out and will be blogging form cooler climes. So early in the morn, when I think he's on that final stretch, on a greyhound, to a new beginning. I'd thought I'd let you all in on why this August was so special.

For they don't just call it August for nothing!


- Done, with the brainless job!
- Done, with thinking of new ways to torment his boss.
- Done, popping Out, every time the thermometer, hits 30 degrees!
- Done, being scrubbed by Scratchy!
- Done, minding his P's and Q's. Making sure that I do too!
- Done, suggesting that some one fuck Poly!
- Done, selling his soul for a magnum of Tanqueray.
- Done, being called Mr.Big, and I don't mean Mr.Big aka Carrie B.
- Done, all the doable men in Chennai.
- Done, Also, all doable men who travel into Chennai.
- Done, with Chennai.

I could go on, but then its not about whats done, it's all about what remains to be done, the possibilities! And It's all there for you you head out chasing a dream, I wish you the very best, for you deserve nothing less!

Grr Husky!!

Note:- Credits and Disclaimers
  • August Tidings, by Usha Pisharody.
  • Came out awfully cloyingly sweet and mushy, but then this was some August! So don't make assumptions, already.


A said...


for once, i am speechless!

B said...

Nice and Propah!!