Monday, June 9, 2008

about a boy

I think I like someone. I think I like him a lot. The question is, how much is enough. Where do you draw the line between falling in love and choosing the best of what you have?

I am very sure I would rather be alone than get into a relationship just because I want one. It's funny, but somehow I guess, it'll be easier for me to judge if or not I am in love if the someone--let's call him Bruce; well, if Bruce were not the best guy I've ever been with.

He's charming, intelligent, funny, and understands those irrational moments that I seem to have way too often. The paradox, if Bruce weren't all that he is, I possibly wouldn't have fallen for him, bit since he is, how do I know for sure that I'd not just walk away if one fine day I realize that He's not all that I had thought he was. Where does brain stop and heart begin?

It's like a problem in probability, and I love probability, mathematically speaking. But the one in hand, well, way too many variables with no seeming correlating formulae and random time bound weightages.

Some people really spend their lives together. I wish someone would tell me how they knew.

Scary do I know that the flutter of a butterfly wouldn't bring the world crashing?


Unknown said...

Really good blog man. reminds me of how i used to write and how i'm trying to get back to it. really love ur blog. am gonna try coming back to this again n again.


A said...

Hey ashvyn,

do come back; and thanks. would like to read your blog as well....
