Saturday, June 14, 2008

KLPD - Take 2!

This is a Tad too late to be getting this post out, but hell, there are very few days A will want to forget, but this will not be it! So I say never too late. Please check the link for the Original KLPD Story.

What do you do when it pours bad luck??
What are the chance's that you'd be hit by lightening twice on the same day! Slim! But, if it does, what do you do??

Run for cover, Duck, Hide, Better get a stiff large drink, at least theres some stiff there!

That's exactly what I am going to do with A, get him a stiff drink to tide him over the day!
You already know, what happened earlier in the day from my previous post! Well here's Take 2!

A did not give up, determined bugger that he is, he logged on back on g4m, and as usual the hot pinged a ton! He is like, well the day is far from done, and hooks on to this hot dude..well thats the last time he gets called Hot, is all I know!

Apparently all that glisters is not gold!! I think A will be back online some time today to cry his heart out...


Betty Foy said...

When it rains it pours. Excuse me while I smirk.

A said...

I shall not forgive that smirk....

well, every dog, or bitch for that matter, has its day!