Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thought for the day

God exists because straight people don't have a sex life!


Anonymous said...

I dont even have to guess who posted this 'thoughtless' 'thought'.


B said...

Are you even insinuating that I could be any less Profound!! So here it is .

You now hold the distinction of being the first official comment on this blog by a non owner!! Thanks Arun

Unknown said...

Well, of course you do not have to guess... It says "Posted by A" right below the freakin' comment!

But call me shallow... but this particular comment isn't one I could make much head or tail of... Abstract, do we call it?

A said...

Not really...think it over...but then again, from what i know of you dearie, you dont have a sex life yet :P

hence i wonder you'd really understand....patience, my friend, is a virtue....hold on to it!