Wednesday, March 5, 2008


This is officially my first post on the Curry Closet. I had to blog about something Spicy! And the choice was obvious, I had to blog about A!

The move to Chennai can be hard for any one, and I was no exception. Add to it my predilection of good food and brash Panju bois...both of which are extremely rare in Chennai. I was home sick, tired of iddli and sambhar and given notice by the office that I needed to get a pad, I had overstayed at the hotel for an extra 14 days..bowing down to such pressures I braved out and found the pad.

I braved for a month, stayed alone, and it had its advantages , but the novelty soon wore off.

I met a few
people, A was the third guy I met..I was already at the table drinking tea at the Cha Bar, in waked A, nope he Slithered, his camera in hand and a smile that flashed.

Did not take long to do the pleasantries, and It was down to business..there were too may places where we found common ground.

Except for his annoying habit of clicking at everything and anything, I was willing to give this a try. Little did I imagine, that this was going to be a trip, a good one!

A - My Flatmate, Keeper of secrets, Nag about the House, Sous Chef,..I do have an long list of officious sounding titles that he holds in the Curry Closet, none come close to describing he is simply A , my friend. Thank You !

1 comment:

A said...

Huge grin :D

Too bad my complexion doesn't allow me to blush! :P