Thursday, July 3, 2008

Love and Brutus

"There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries"

Some things are not planned, like falling in love and hoping it'll pass the test of time and fortune.

Bruce has gone back to where he's pursuing his dreams. My dreams seem to be taking shape. But life seems to be moving so fast, that at times I feel somewhere I just lost my way and got stranded in a labyrinth. Things were not meant to be so complicated.

But then, there's always a flip side to every situation...things I had almost always wanted are taking a concrete shape, and I am in love with a guy who loves me as much. Not many guys can say that for themselves. I'm happy...just not content somehow.

Al (one of my closest friends) gave me a whole new, and correct perspective to my situation. I was cribbing about how complicated things are, and she snapped back, "Dude! You are a guy, in love with another guy, in India! Things don't quite get more complicated. So stop cribbing and just be gay already!"

It's kind of funny how I had forgotten about the whole "being gay in India" thing in the midst of everything. It felt good.

PS: Bruce had sent me the's from Julius Caeser. I could fall for him just because of this. He's all that, and much more. I should stop before the mush turns to slush! :P

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