Sunday, September 28, 2008

377: The Perverted Story

I am a pervert, criminal, and a walking Bio Hazard, and I am out to Harm people - That's what My government thinks of me!

It's kind of hard to believe that but I am sure the comments made by the Solicitor General, arguing the Governments case in front of the Divisional Bench of the Delhi High Court more than substantiates, the governments stand on Homosexuality.

While I don't give in to activism easily, It hit me hard. Out of all the evils that ail the country, and I won't spend space listing them out here, they pick consensual sex amongst two adults of the same sex.

So who's perverted here?

TOI Article

1 comment:

A said...

well....i would like to think we all are :P

but WTF....i know what that means!!!