Sunday, September 21, 2008

377! Has to Go!

Woke up to an exciting Sunday, the Times of India has a small front page article and vote on Decriminalization of Article 377. On Thursday the Govt. Of India will argue its case in the Delhi High Court, in a petition filed by the Naz Foundation eight years ago.

Could 2008 be India's year?

I am excited and will be following the events closely and hope you will too. You can also email or Vote, through an opinion poll run by the TOI, and all you have to do is email or SMS, details are shared below.

Interestingly, yesterday I was sent a link form the NY times by a friend in the US, a successful gay man who was a college senior, and who now has become a dear friend. It was about Sunil Babu Pant, an openly gay man who a member of the new Nepalese Parliament and who is doing all he can to change mindsets in the small Himalayan country. The Nepalese Supreme court in Dec 2007 ruled that the Govt should formulate laws that ensure equal rights to the Sexual Minorities. Very progressive ruling for a fledgling democracy. Hope our Courts take notice! Hope!

Read More:
Tehelka Article on the Nepalese Supreme court ruling
NY Times on Sunil Babu Pant and his work in Nepal
Times of India Article 21-09-08

Take Part in TOI Poll:

Question: Should Homosexuality be Decriminalized to help tackle the AIDS Scourge?

SMS : 58888 Typing in MTMY <Space> <AIDS Scourge> Please include name and city
Email: with AIDS-Scourge in the subject line

Happy Sunday Folks!

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