Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Pride!

Happy Pride!

We just wanted to do a post in solidarity of the guys who will be marching the streets across the world today. Thanks!

Kolkata - 1999
Delhi and Bangalore - 2008!

Good Luck to the marchers in Delhi and Bangalore, you shall all be pioneers!


Some links:-

Kolkata Pride
Bangalore Pride Home
Delhi Pride in the Times of India
Wiki - Pride Events worldwide

Friday, June 27, 2008


B was totally fascinated with the colour of this dried up leaf!
I must admit I like it pretty much myself.

just an update!

So we got the first person to comment saying that we do not blog often enough...well...that's actually very, very true!

However, B's turning 30 this saturday, and we are having a small get together of sorts with all our friends from chennai, and one particluar friend of B who I hate. Well...apparently he hates me back in turn, and somehow that makes me feel even better about myself.

Well, all that said and done, Bruce is coming back to Chennai :D


Saturday, June 14, 2008

KLPD - Take 2!

This is a Tad too late to be getting this post out, but hell, there are very few days A will want to forget, but this will not be it! So I say never too late. Please check the link for the Original KLPD Story.

What do you do when it pours bad luck??
What are the chance's that you'd be hit by lightening twice on the same day! Slim! But, if it does, what do you do??

Run for cover, Duck, Hide, Better get a stiff large drink, at least theres some stiff there!

That's exactly what I am going to do with A, get him a stiff drink to tide him over the day!
You already know, what happened earlier in the day from my previous post! Well here's Take 2!

A did not give up, determined bugger that he is, he logged on back on g4m, and as usual the hot pinged a ton! He is like, well the day is far from done, and hooks on to this hot dude..well thats the last time he gets called Hot, is all I know!

Apparently all that glisters is not gold!! I think A will be back online some time today to cry his heart out...


KLPD - Thats when you are half way through a blow job and the suckers folks knock at the damn door!

KLPD - is what happened today!

A woke up all perked up and beaming - "I am going out for a lay! please lock up." I wake up and see him through and well, was relieved that he's not going to be talking about abstinence again. I am trying to take a break form it all and its just my second week!

Relieved, I get back to bed and think nothing of it. Well until an hour or so later, I hear a bell!
The nice cleaning man and a not so happy looking A!!

The rest you already know, KLPD! Indian Expression Global Implications!

I have for the last one hour heard him go on and on and No its not easy when you are taking a break form it all!

Picture: From the team at Happily Unmarried The mug was a gift I picked for a gal pal at work, who refused to open it in office!! Prude!

Friday, June 13, 2008

There's nothing as fabulous as cleaning up with wet perfumed tissues after sex. As a matter of fact, that was almost the best thing about my one and only ex! That, and his elder sister who cooks awesome biriyani, insists that I am frail and calls me Ladoo.

Now, that does put things in perspective, doesn't it?

Monday, June 9, 2008

got beef!

about a boy

I think I like someone. I think I like him a lot. The question is, how much is enough. Where do you draw the line between falling in love and choosing the best of what you have?

I am very sure I would rather be alone than get into a relationship just because I want one. It's funny, but somehow I guess, it'll be easier for me to judge if or not I am in love if the someone--let's call him Bruce; well, if Bruce were not the best guy I've ever been with.

He's charming, intelligent, funny, and understands those irrational moments that I seem to have way too often. The paradox, if Bruce weren't all that he is, I possibly wouldn't have fallen for him, bit since he is, how do I know for sure that I'd not just walk away if one fine day I realize that He's not all that I had thought he was. Where does brain stop and heart begin?

It's like a problem in probability, and I love probability, mathematically speaking. But the one in hand, well, way too many variables with no seeming correlating formulae and random time bound weightages.

Some people really spend their lives together. I wish someone would tell me how they knew.

Scary do I know that the flutter of a butterfly wouldn't bring the world crashing?