Sunday, August 31, 2008

August beginnings!

August Tidings are here at The Curry Closet. A's moved out and will be blogging form cooler climes. So early in the morn, when I think he's on that final stretch, on a greyhound, to a new beginning. I'd thought I'd let you all in on why this August was so special.

For they don't just call it August for nothing!


- Done, with the brainless job!
- Done, with thinking of new ways to torment his boss.
- Done, popping Out, every time the thermometer, hits 30 degrees!
- Done, being scrubbed by Scratchy!
- Done, minding his P's and Q's. Making sure that I do too!
- Done, suggesting that some one fuck Poly!
- Done, selling his soul for a magnum of Tanqueray.
- Done, being called Mr.Big, and I don't mean Mr.Big aka Carrie B.
- Done, all the doable men in Chennai.
- Done, Also, all doable men who travel into Chennai.
- Done, with Chennai.

I could go on, but then its not about whats done, it's all about what remains to be done, the possibilities! And It's all there for you you head out chasing a dream, I wish you the very best, for you deserve nothing less!

Grr Husky!!

Note:- Credits and Disclaimers
  • August Tidings, by Usha Pisharody.
  • Came out awfully cloyingly sweet and mushy, but then this was some August! So don't make assumptions, already.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Rank Outsider!

It's a long time I am going through the motions of being a new hire and gosh it can be hard. Since morning I have managed to speak to just two folks. I am taking this as a lesson on onboarding new hires...just don't leave it to them to break the Ice!
PS - The nice lady next cube, just made me aware that I can't have the window seat with a view. It's been here and on lease to the boss, so she wants it back...So will keep you posted on where in the office grid do I fall. Reminds me of a blog query in my ex employer's website - Is there a pecking order by Tenurity? I had responded 'no', but looks like it actualy does! Lessons we learn!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Turtle tales

They are perhaps the cutest things that keep coming to India year after year, and we do all we can to harm them... destroy their nests, steal their eggs, kill them for meat and shell... steal the young ones for exotic pet sales.

Read about some issues here.

And now there is a new port that is being planned at the locations these turtle keep coming to lay their eggs! Gahirmatha's seas are one of the world's largest breeding areas for the Olive Ridley Turtle. The Dhamra port could signal the end of this habitat forever.

Greenpeace has been pursuing the TATAs to change the location of the port since a while, and has taken out quite a few campaigns for this. This seems to be going on the right way as finally the TATAs seem to have taken notice and are hiring PR agents to look into the harm these campaigns are doing to their public image, and what can be done to save it! Wouldn't it be easier just to change the location of the port? Or is it that the souls have been sold already?

These turtles are going to need all the help and support from us that they can get. Read about the GreenPeace efforts here. I have been supporting this since some time now. I would hope you would be concerned and sign it as well and spread the word.

PS: I realize I have started sounding dangerously like one of those guys who are ready to march out for anything and everything....but I think I am concerned about the environment. After all, we have but one earth, and in the end of the day, it is left to us to decide what we want to make of it....we could turn it to a land of wonders, or a valley of shame. Let's make the right choice.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Just had some excellent Sushi and not very far form home. We were in Akasaka today for dinner and this was A's first experience with Sushi. So I was not sure how this would go!

The restaurant is located behind Jayanti Theatre in Thrivanmiyur in the ground floor of a residential complex. So you just might miss it, look around!

It was perfect from the word go, clean spacious, very attentive staff and excellent Sushi.. we had some Chutoro, Teka Maki and a mixed vegetable Tempura. The sushi was presented well and was very fresh ...even A, who was doing Sushi for first time loved it ( I somehow knew he'd like the fish!- go figure), but did make plenty of noises with the Tempura ( Our Man does not believe, they could charge so much for bhajjis). But overall I'd strongly recommend that you try Akasaka.

PS: The Manager Cyril, is always on hand to explain in case you need any help. Also he traced me back the next day to return back some cash that was over charged by mistake. I had not even left my card :) Thats service!! and I will be back!

Akasaka details in the link!
Sushi FAQ
Sushi Ettiquites

Buttered Buns!

Buttered buns! Anyone !

I just had the my cute masseur coax me into a hour long session on the table. It was business as usual I thought, me on the table and some one on top! But this time, the boy decides to notch it up a little and I am curious, it's not often you can surprise me.

Cocoa Butter
.The man sure knows how to please...for an hour he gently coaxes every muscle, and that included a very sore tush.I walked out of that session, with more cocoa butter on my tush, then you have in your dark rich Cadbury! Tasty Maybe!

PS: Must gift him a CD of massage clips from you Tube, let me help him excel !!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Magic books

I love/live books. I am still trying to figure what my existance would be like should at some point in time I would not have access to books. It's almost become addictive. Not that i need to read them all the time; but the mere presence changes everything for me.

Hence, now that suddenly I seem to have lost all my interests in boys (note that its boys and not men; Chennai suddenly seems devoid of dateable men, and even the boys are few and far between. Sigh!) I have regained my pace with books. So I completed 2 pulp fiction novels, 1 anthology of Lithuanian, Slovakian and some other -ian fairy tales, one Henry James and now on to this book called Magic City that deals with racial and economic issues in early 1900s. Well, I do read almost everything, so long as they are well written and leave some effect. Hence I have started avoiding certain popular writers, partly because I am a snob, but mostly because their books have no soul. It hasn't taken me too long to understand that popular does not equal good, and thank heavens for that!

But I am enjoying Magic City. It written very well, and somehow, the irrationality and the mystique makes it all the more real.

Let me read, and maybe for a while I'll not miss anything, or anyone.